Thursday, July 11, 2013

Where Bloggers Create 2013

Welcome to the Vintage 541 Studio...this is my first time participating in this wonderful party! 

My creative space is not exactly pretty, but it is fun, functional, and big! I was gifted this space about a year ago (a story in itself that I'll save for another time) and it is still a work in progress so I'm just showing parts of it for now. It's a 3 car garage that was divided in half with one half being my studio, and the other a finished (almost) room where I can sell my creations and vintage finds.

 I've filled the space with things that inspire me and make me happy. I made this inspiration board out of an aluminum screen...

My Grandpa Norm made the white church and wooden night stand...

This little desk is from my childhood. the wooden shoes, prayer books, and Amberola cylinder record player belonged to Grandpa Norm too...

I love that I can put anything up on the walls and not worry about spilling paint on the floor...

I've accumulated a lot of supplies over the years, and every drawer, shelf, and box is stuffed full. I plan to paint the cabinets one of these days...

I found the vintage "DO NOT CUT" sign recently. It must have once been in a factory. I placed it in the front of the box where I store all my most favorite pieces of ephemera to remind me not to use them in projects!

This is a separate little mudroom where I take most of my pictures for my Etsy Shop. I often use this shelf to display my seasonal collections and decor too. 

This is the shop area on the other side of the studio where I hold a few vintage sales a year. These pics are from sales I had in May and June...

I hope you enjoyed the tour! 
Please be sure to check out all the other creative spaces at 

Where Bloggers Create 2013 
at My Desert Cottage

Thank you Karen for hosting!

I'm also linking with 
Be Inspired
Feathered Nest Friday
Nifty Thrifty Tuesday
Knick of Time Tuesday

~~ Becky

Wednesday, July 3, 2013

Vintage Patriotic Decor

I love decorating for the holidays...but I don't have a fireplace mantel, I have a shelf! I have a ton of vintage red, white, and blue patriotic stuff, but this year I decided to only use a few of my favorite items, so this is me going simple...

I love these cylinder record covers that go with the old record player I have that belonged to my Grandpa. Don't they kind of look like firecrackers?

I'm joining these wonderful parties

Be Inspired at Common Ground

Knick of Time

Feathered Nest Friday

Have a very happy and safe holiday everyone!
