Saturday, August 16, 2014

New Store Displays

I've been working on a few new displays in the store lately. I know a lot of shops have Fall out already, but I've been resisting. I'm just not ready yet...

Enjoy these last few weeks of Summer, they will be gone before we know it!

I'm joining 


~ Becky ~

Thursday, August 7, 2014

Fall Marketplace Dates

Hello...yes, I am still here! I hope you are having a great Summer. Ours has been fun and busy!  I have taken a vacation from blogging (computer problems, needing to spend more time with my daughter) but I miss it so much and hope to get back in the groove soon.

Our Fall event dates at the Vintage 541 store are set, October 3rd and 4th. 
Details to come soon...

~ Becky ~