Tuesday, March 5, 2013

Spring Vignettes

I have been playing around in my little garden room/mudroom/photography studio with some spring vignettes and this is 
what I came up with: 

I just love the patina on this vintage garden tool...this is exactly how I found it..

A wine glass makes a great little vase/planter for a hyacinth bulb..I just lined the glass with part of an old book page and set the bulb in a piece of plastic wrap with a a bit of soil. The filler on top disguises the plastic...moss would work too.

The string holder and vase in this next picture are actually vintage light covers. You can read about them in this post here.

I'm linking up with French Country Cottage for this fabulous linky party! Come join the fun!

also linking with 
Be Inspired Friday at Common Ground



  1. So fresh and springy!! Gorgeous vignettes and I'm envying your spring growth (as I look outside at the falling snow). :)

  2. Becky, You came up with a very nice variety of floral/greenery vignettes. I love how you used the garden tool with the nest and glass of daffodils. So very sweet, all of them! Found you at the 6 Days of Spring Linky party. :-) Sue.

  3. So very lovely...I LOVE that garden too...and that sweet little plant in the wine glass!!

  4. Hi Becky!
    Your vignettes are a perfect way to welcome spring!
    Love that old garden tool!!

  5. Hi Becky, just splendid. Love the bulb in the wine glass. following you now and putting you on my roll in just a minute. hugs, olive

  6. Hi Becky,
    Great vignettes! I love the string holder, clever, I'm gonna be looking out for one:-) Love the silver pieces, and that little angel and cloche pic is my favorite:-)

  7. I LOVE what you came up with! So pretty! That is a wonderful way to grow a bulb! I really need to do that. I need some pretty fresh flower sin my house! So happy I found you at Cozy Little House! New Follower! Hope you get a chance to come visit me too!

  8. Hi I am doing a bit of blog hopping today and fell into your blog...how lovely. I love your vignettes and am so anxious for spring to arrive!! Makes the day feel brighter just seeing the pictures. Thank you for sharing

  9. Gorgeous spring vignettes! I just love them!

  10. You have a lovely blog, Becky. I just came over from Brenda's. Nice to meet you. J

  11. Hi Becky, I've had a blast looking around your blog. You make wonderful vignettes! I'm your newest follower and look forward to your next post.

  12. Beautiful vignettes. My father would laugh to see how I have used some of his old tools in our house.

  13. Hi Becky, I have nominated you for a Liebster Award. Please visit my home page for details @ thedecoratingduchess.com

  14. Hi Becky, I'm following your blog,thanks for following mine. I LOVE your photos and your style. Hope to meet you soon.
    Deborah Jeanne

  15. Love it all, Becky! Such great Spring vignettes. I love all the flowers and how you've displayed them.

  16. Very beautiful images! And I love your idea of that glass with the old book page, very inspiring.
    Besos from Argentina, Silvina

  17. This is just lovely! The bulbs are so pretty and springy :) Vignettes are so much fun!

  18. Hi sweetie. love your Spring here.

    Saw it at Common Ground...featured, I think.

    When I clicked on the pic a malicious URL blocked came up though.

    not sure if it is the link, Common Ground or what.
    You might click on the pic she has up and check it out.


  19. PS I'll have to have you each m how to label my pics with my name...does it take a lot of time?



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