Monday, March 18, 2013

Vintage Easter Collectibles

I never intended to collect German paper eggs...

I stumbled upon one for next to nothing at a flea market many years ago, and when it didn't sell at the store where I rented a space, I tossed it into my personal Easter decor box at home. Every so often, I would find a different one here or there and now I guess I have a collection. I did try to sell them a few times but had no takers so they make an appearance off and on in my Easter decor at home.
 I have always been the type who can love things in my home for awhile and then turn around and sell them, I don't get attached to too many things. This comes in handy when you are in the business of selling vintage items!

This basket they are in is actually my very own childhood Easter basket from the 60's...

I just love the sweet graphics and cheerful colors of these little treasures from the past. I didn't receive any like this as a child though, plastic bunnies and chicks were the popular candy containers of the 60's & 70's. I do wonder just what kind of candy might have been in them and can imagine how exciting it must have been for a child to find one in their Easter basket. 


Here they are in a different basket along with a vintage top and plastic plate I found somewhere along the way...

The top can be found in my Etsy Shop 

I hope these cheerful vintage Easter treasures have brightened your day in some small way! (Does that sound like a greeting card or what)!?!

I'm linking with:

Knick of Time Tuesday

~~ Becky


  1. The eggs are charming Becky and I love your basket.

  2. How fun. they are so bright and cheery. maybe someone will want your collection now.
    top so very cute too, and you have your Easter basket from when you were little?? how fun is that?


  3. LOVE sweet!!!!!!!!!!!!

  4. I used to have that plastic Easter Bunny plate. Very cute Easter displays!

  5. Becky love this post. So sweet and very cute


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