Monday, September 23, 2013

Vintage Flea Market

Last Saturday was so much fun! This was my first try at holding a Vintage Market and it was a huge success! Earlier in the week, the forecast was calling for lots of rain and possible thunder showers. Fortunately, the weather was decent for about 3/4 of the day and all the outdoor vendors were well prepared for the worst. 

Here are a few pics I was able to get. Many of them were taken the day before right after vendors set up. I am kicking myself for not getting pics of all the vendors on the day of the market. It was so busy!

I can't wait until the next one, less than two weeks away...

Linking with 

~ ~ Becky ~ ~


  1. I'm so glad your day was such a success ... great photos ... makes me wish I was there :)
    New follower, Francine

  2. i would love to go to something like that! so many neat things to look at!

  3. I did my first Vintage Market last weekend too...of course I was just a vendor but what fun it was...I'm glad yours was a success!!

  4. Oh, what marvelous fun! Bravo on your success :)
    Your blogging sister, Connie :)


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