Sunday, February 23, 2014

Spring Decor in the Store

I'm getting a bit of an early start on spring decorating for the store. I know we are all looking forward to warmer weather and flowers blooming. This is my little attempt to help bridge the gap until the real thing gets here...

linking with

Have a wonderful week, 

~ Becky ~


  1. Hi Becky,
    It is fun to see your pictures. Ahhhh to think Spring may come soon. I am so over this harsh winter and it will be nice to see Spring and some nice flowers. Love your pictures everything is so cute.

  2. Such nice, springy displays! The colors are wonderful!!
    I love the little magnets and their packaging!!

  3. I love all the hints of Spring-it has to arrive at some point, right? Especially love the chicken wire. Would love for you to share at Fridays Unfolded!


  4. Great Spring display at the store!! I'm so ready for Spring to get here, but it is snowing outside as I'm typing this.

  5. so pretty, love the pops of wonderful aqua!


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