Thursday, March 28, 2013

Don't Put All Your Eggs In One Basket

Just playing around again with some Easter/Spring decor....

Here is another wreath and one of my favorite vintage wire baskets...

Sharing with

I hope you have a fun and very blessed Easter weekend!

~~ Becky

Thursday, March 21, 2013

Potted Hyacinth

My single potted hyacinth bulb has finally bloomed. Such a small thing, but it really makes me happy! 

This is what it looked like a couple of weeks ago. I used an upside down glass 
candle hurricane as a cloche when it was just starting to bud... 

This single flower smells so wonderful...the scent fills up my little garden room...

Spring is officially here!

I'm linking with 


~~ Becky

Monday, March 18, 2013

Vintage Easter Collectibles

I never intended to collect German paper eggs...

I stumbled upon one for next to nothing at a flea market many years ago, and when it didn't sell at the store where I rented a space, I tossed it into my personal Easter decor box at home. Every so often, I would find a different one here or there and now I guess I have a collection. I did try to sell them a few times but had no takers so they make an appearance off and on in my Easter decor at home.
 I have always been the type who can love things in my home for awhile and then turn around and sell them, I don't get attached to too many things. This comes in handy when you are in the business of selling vintage items!

This basket they are in is actually my very own childhood Easter basket from the 60's...

I just love the sweet graphics and cheerful colors of these little treasures from the past. I didn't receive any like this as a child though, plastic bunnies and chicks were the popular candy containers of the 60's & 70's. I do wonder just what kind of candy might have been in them and can imagine how exciting it must have been for a child to find one in their Easter basket. 


Here they are in a different basket along with a vintage top and plastic plate I found somewhere along the way...

The top can be found in my Etsy Shop 

I hope these cheerful vintage Easter treasures have brightened your day in some small way! (Does that sound like a greeting card or what)!?!

I'm linking with:

Knick of Time Tuesday

~~ Becky

Monday, March 11, 2013

This and That

Just sharing a little of what I did 
this weekend...

We were so lucky here in the Willamette Valley in Oregon to have some incredibly wonderful weather this weekend. I know many places were still getting tons of snow...and I sure hope everyone gets to enjoy some spring weather soon! This pic doesn't do it justice, but this is the sunset we enjoyed from the back yard on Saturday. I love that the trees are still bare this time of year.

An abandoned nest I found...the faux egg I added, but the sweet little feather was found with the nest...

I went to a local store to buy some flowers and a new pair of garden pruning shears and when I found the cheapest pruners were $8 I decided not to buy them and to just live with the ones I have for awhile. At the last minute, I thought "what the heck, I'll stop at Dollar Tree and see if they have anything" and was thrilled to not only find 3 different pair of pruning shears/flower cutters but also big boxes of flower seeds and some garden gloves. So I got everything here (minus the plants) for only $7. Score!!

I love these gloves, they fit snug and are coated with rubber on the fingertips and palm side. I love the colors and flowers, they remind me of the "Flower Power" flowers from the 60's, my childhood.

Here are a few pots I planted with the flowers I bought to brighten up our beat up back steps...all of the containers are thrift store finds and I may still do something to upcycle the aluminum pots...maybe paint and stamp some numbers? I didn't actually plant them, I just set the primrose pots in and put moss around the edges until I decide what to do with them.

Happy Monday, 
~~ Becky

Tuesday, March 5, 2013

Spring Vignettes

I have been playing around in my little garden room/mudroom/photography studio with some spring vignettes and this is 
what I came up with: 

I just love the patina on this vintage garden tool...this is exactly how I found it..

A wine glass makes a great little vase/planter for a hyacinth bulb..I just lined the glass with part of an old book page and set the bulb in a piece of plastic wrap with a a bit of soil. The filler on top disguises the plastic...moss would work too.

The string holder and vase in this next picture are actually vintage light covers. You can read about them in this post here.

I'm linking up with French Country Cottage for this fabulous linky party! Come join the fun!

also linking with 
Be Inspired Friday at Common Ground


Monday, March 4, 2013

Repurposed Light Covers

I recently repurposed two vintage light covers into a string holder and a vase...

 The larger one was the perfect size to hold my spool of cotton string, and there was already a hole for the string to come through and to hold a tiny pair of scissors!

The smaller one became a vase. I used a vintage wire gutter cap as a flower frog to hold my garden's first blooming daffodils. 

The twigs in this little vignette were just clipped from some tree branches we removed from our yard and tied with a bow. I just recently found the natural looking ribbon for only $1.00 a spool at Michael's Arts and Crafts!

Linking with Knick of Time Tuesday:

And a big Thank You to Angie for featuring my Happily Ever After in Vintage Frame from last week...what an honor to be included!

~~ Becky