Sunday, April 28, 2013

My Amaryllis

I've had this amaryllis for a few years now and I just had to share it since it's in full bloom and so pretty! Every fall I stick it in the garage in a dark corner and (literally) forget about it...and amazingly this is what I get every spring!

 I usually stumble upon it when looking for something else and think "oh yeah, my amaryllis". When I notice it starting to get some green, I put it in a window inside and start watering it. I know a lot of people make them bloom for Christmas but I never have, mine just seems destined to bloom in April!

Have a wonderful week friends, 

~~ Becky


  1. That is awesome! And it's gorgeous!
    I don't seem to have that luck.. my bulb plants tend to die. (I think because our winters are too cold.) Last year I had a beautiful white hyacinth.. no sign of it coming back to life yet. But we'll see! :)

  2. This is so pretty, it's so nice that you can get it to bloom again. I tried that one time, put it in a closet and ignored it for a few months, brought it out and watered it. It got leaves but no blooms! Maybe I'll try it again, yours is gorgeous!


  3. Oh my goodness I can't believe that!! You are blessed for sure!!! I love what you did with that mouse trap!!! Isn't it so much fun to up cycle things!! We are saving the world one project at a time!!! I LOVE your little profile picture with your daughter!! XOXO Love Fran.


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