Tuesday, April 30, 2013

What do You Collect?

I love finding and admiring vintage treasures but I don't actually collect many specific things for myself.   As a vintage seller and repurpose artist, I am able to enjoy my finds while they sit in my studio/shop/home and then happily sell them to someone who just can't live without that particular treasure...definitely a win-win for me! 

However, as someone who has a deep passion for anything to do with gardening/flowers, I do have a  harder time letting go of vintage gardening items. This little collection of flower frogs has been with me for a long time and I actually use a lot of them in my floral arrangements...

The wire thing on the left below is actually a vintage gutter cap (so I've been told) but I use it to hold flowers in several of my vases...

the copper one below the ceramic frog is a recent find and I think it is actually for a drain but I'm not sure, it looks like it might make a great frog in the right vase...

and this little guy is so adorable, he just makes me smile...

What do you collect? I'd love to hear! Feel free to include a link to pics in your comments. 

I'm linking up with

 Knick of Time Tuesday 

Nifty Thrifty Tuesday

~~ Becky


  1. Becky,
    I love to garden and have flowers everywhere in the summer months. I too love your sweet little garden collection. I have a thing for old doors, windows and bikes. Just love to re love old vintage pieces back into my home. Have a great week.

  2. My mom has few of these old floral frogs, and I love them. Yours are great!
    Like you, I don't like to "collect" things.. but in the past year or so, I've been drawn to milk glass & can't pass it up when I come across a good thrift find... amounting to something of a "collection" going on.
    I currently have much more than what is shown.. but I realized that a collection trend was happening here: http://ourfunwithfive.blogspot.com/2012/07/got-milk-glass.html

  3. We also have quite a collection of old woodworking tools.. planes in particular. My husband is a carpenter, so it began with me finding him one old wood planer years ago in an antique shop for Christmas. My mom seems to like a trend, because then she gave him one (or more) every year for a while. He has inherited some tools & planes that were his grandfathers, and his great grandfathers on his other side.
    We used to display them, but they just collected dust. So I honestly do not know what to do with them! I like to be able to use things. The milk glass ALL gets used. :)

    1. Yes, dust is definitely the down side of collecting lots of things! Milk glass can be used in so many different ways, great collection!

  4. I love your collection of garden treasures, especially the flowers frogs. I don't really collect enough of anything to actually call a collection! I do have a lot of bird statuettes made of all sorts of materials, but I keep them scattered through the house rather than all together. Maybe if I had the space and a creative way to display them I could put them all together. You have me thinking!


    1. Hi Jane, maybe try just two or three in a vignette with a nest, potted plant, or small vase of flowers. Sometimes less is more! I am now following your wonderful blog by the way.

  5. Hi Becky, I collect white ironstone, garden rabbits statues, small chairs for children, and quilts. Although I haven't bought anything for a long time to add to these collections, I'm always on the lookout for something special. It makes antique shopping fun! Love your collection of flower frogs.

    1. Thanks Anne! I have found some adorable chairs over the years, I love using them as plant holders!

  6. Your collection is really wonderful, Becky! I would have a hard time letting any of that go, too! I collect whatever calls to me...especially old dog stuff and vintage Christmas! Hopped over from Be Inspired...I am a new follower...

    1. I love vintage Christmas stuff, I did a small tree in turquoise and silver last year...Thanks for following Linda, I have been following your wonderful blog for quite awhile too!

  7. I just opened my container with my flower frogs. I have no been able to put them out since our move now I'm wondering if I need to cut down on some and what I can do with them. Our house is small, in our other house I hung many of them on the wall. Enjoyed your site.

  8. Hi Becky. I plugged in flower frogs looking for one I just got, and guess whose page popped up on pinterest with the very frog I was looking for!
    It is the one in the 7th pic down. The wire on on the right next to the drain one. I had never seen one like it before and was trying to find value to sell it. You have quite a nice collection and some unique ones I have never seen, but then frogs are a new thing for me with the store.
    thanks for the fun post.
    PS hope your sale in October went well.


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